Stereo Panoramic Capture Reference

On the following page you will find detailed description of what options / controls are available for the Stereo Panoramic Capture plugin and what those options do to image that is output. The options have been broken up into groups based on what those options do. To input a command press the backtick or tilde key (`) to open up the UE4 console and then type SP. followed by the command you want to enter.

If you want to know more about any of the settings below, check out the StereoPanoramaManager.cpp file for more information.

Slice Controls

The Slice Control options are for controlling how many horizontal or vertical slices are taken for each image.

Property Default Value Description
SP.HorizontalAngularIncrement 1.0f The number of degrees per horizontal step. Must be a factor of 360.
SP.VerticalAngularIncrement 90.0f The number of degrees per vertical step. Must be a factor of 180.
SP.CaptureHorizontalFOV 90.0f Horizontal FOV for scene capture component. Must be larger than SP.HorizontalAngularIncrement.

Atlas Controls

The Atlas Control options are for controlling the size and eye separation distance of the output image.

Property Default Value Description
SP.StepCaptureWidth 4096 The final spherical atlas width.
SP.EyeSeparation 6.4f The separation of the stereo cameras.
SP.ForceAlpha false Force the alpha value to completely opaque.

Sampling Controls

The Sampling Control options affect how the image is filtered.

Property Default Value Description
SP.CaptureSlicePixelWidth 2048 Capture Slice Pixel Dimension.
SP.EnableBilerp true 0 - No Filtering 1- Bilinear Filter slice samples.
SP.SuperSamplingMethod 1 0 - No Supersampling, 1 - Rotated Grid SS.

Debug Controls

The Debug Control options allow you to see and adjust how the images are captures allowing you to easily track down any issues you might run into with the final output image.

Property Default Value Description
SP.ConcurrentCaptures 30 The number of scene captures to capture at the same time.
SP.GenerateDebugImages 0 0 - No Debug Images\n1 - Save out each strip as it is generated\n2 - Save each entire slice.
SP.OutputDir This will default to your projects saved folder The location were your images will be saved to.
SP.ShouldOverrideInitialYaw true Override Initial Camera Yaw. Set to true if you don't want to use PlayerController View Dir.
SP.ForcedInitialYaw 90.0f Yaw value for initial Camera view direction. Set ShouldOverrideInitialYaw to true to use this value.
SP.FadeStereoToZeroAtSides true Fade stereo effect between left/right eye to zero at 90 degrees.

Pre-set Quality Levels

The Pre-set Quality levels allows you to select from three different pre-defined image quality levels. To use a Pre-Set Quality level press the backtick or tilde key (`) to open up the UE4 console and then type SP.(Quality Level you want to use).

Preview Quality Level

Property Default Value
SP.HorizontalAngularIncrement 5
SP.VerticalAngularIncrement 60
SP.CaptureHorizontalFOV 60
SP.StepCaptureWidth 720

Average Quality Level

Property Default Value
SP.HorizontalAngularIncrement 2
SP.VerticalAngularIncrement 30
SP.CaptureHorizontalFOV 30
SP.StepCaptureWidth 1440

Improved Quality Level

Property Default Value
SP.HorizontalAngularIncrement 0.5
SP.VerticalAngularIncrement 22.5
SP.CaptureHorizontalFOV 22.5
SP.StepCaptureWidth 1440